What Is the Best Place to Study Abroad for Nigerians?

What Is the Best Place to Study Abroad for Nigerians?

What is the best place to study abroad for Nigerians?

Studying abroad is a very popular topic amongst Nigerians especially with the current trend of Japa in the country where everyone is looking for a means to leave the country for greener pastures and students of various classes are not left behind in this struggle.

The trend for studying abroad is very old in Nigeria, especially among the elite families who make preparations for their kids while they are in secondary school and most of them already use the subject as a brag among their peers. 

Oftentimes, as this topic is discussed among students, they tend to mention some popular countries which seem to be the old-time specials of Nigerians probably because of country affiliations, previous experiences, or connections with family members or friends in these countries. 

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Amongst the top most mentioned countries for Nigerians who wish to study abroad are;

  • United Kingdom(UK) – In recent times, one may even think the UK is an extension of Nigeria because of the high flock of Nigerians in the country, especially for study purposes and business
  • Canada – Canada is yet another popular destination picked by most Nigerians who wish to live, study, or work abroad. 
  • United State of America – the USA has a large number of Nigerian immigrants annually both for educational and work purposes such that the country was recently removed from their annual DV lottery program haven meet the 5 years mark of having over 50,000 immigrants to the states.

Although all the countries mentioned above are top destinations for Nigerians who are searching for the best place to study abroad for Nigerians, there are some key factors one should consider before picking a country to move to when it comes to studying abroad and here are some of the key points;

  1. The course of study – every country has what they are known for and what their universities have maintained good track records on so, it is important to check the records of the country to know how good they have performed in previous years on your career part before making up your mind to migrate to the country for study.
  2. Availability of Job – Most Nigerian students are looking for work and study opportunities hence you should consider if the country has available menial jobs to help you support your cost of living and even professional jobs after graduation if you wish to remain in the country
  3. Cost of Living – It is important to carefully examine or research the cost of living of your chosen country before deciding if you can cope with the expenses
  4. Tuition fee – before you decide to migrate to Canada for instance where the average tuition fee is CAD 15,000, you have to check your budget and be sure your sponsor can afford it and also cover other expenses you may encounter on your way before you get a work permit
  5. Travel Cost and Requirements – it is not news that different countries have different requirements for their student visa application the US would need a student to present their admission offer letter to the embassy while applying for a visa and likewise their proof of funds to show that their sponsor has what it takes to pay their bills while they are in the country.

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If you have made up your mind on the above, list, then here are some of the best places to study abroad for Nigerians;

  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Italy 
  • Germany
  • Russia 
  • China
  • India
  • UAE
  • Australia 

These are the top destinations for Nigerians who wish to study abroad right now although there are other countries, these appear to be topping the list at the moment. Meanwhile, as you ask what is the best place to study abroad for Nigerians, also remember to ask yourself What do I aim to achieve by studying abroad? Because this would go a long way to help you in your decision to find the best place to study abroad.

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