Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship Awards

Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship Awards

Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship Awards

Some persons wish to complete their Ph.D. programs but sometimes they lack the financial capacity to do so and this is where the Christian Scholarship Foundation comes in as they help exceptional scholars who are faced with such challenges of finance and provide them with $5,000 to $20,000 support to help them complete their studies provided they are ready to pass their knowledge to others in universities, colleges, secondary schools, etc.

Eligibility Criteria for the Graduate Fellowship 

  • The CSF Graduate Fellowship is available to all members of Churches of Christ who are teaching or who plan to teach religion and related subjects at a collegiate level (e.g. colleges, universities, schools of theology).
  • Applicants can pursue a career in any field related to the recognized theological disciplines in programs of instruction leading toward a Ph.D. or equivalent degree.
  • Interested applicants must have satisfactorily completed at least one full year of study as a candidate for the Ph.D. or equivalent post-graduate degree prior to the year of application.
  • Applicants who have previously applied and were not awarded a Fellowship are eligible to re-apply.
  • Previous recipients are eligible to apply and may receive the award one additional time.
  • All second-time applicants will undergo the same application and evaluation procedures as first-time applicants.

Christian Scholarship Foundation Graduate Fellowship Application Procedure

A complete application includes:

  • The Christian Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Graduate Fellowship application form;
  • A summary statement of plans for the academic year for which the application is made, including the signature of approval by the applicant’s faculty advisor or major professor;
  • An estimated budget that includes income and expenditures for the academic year for which the application is made;
  • Official transcripts of all previous academic work, undergraduate and graduate;
  • Four (4) letters of recommendation regarding personal, religious, and intellectual development;
  • A research paper or other example of the applicant’s most scholarly written work (not more than 50 pp. in length).

How to Apply

All interested applicants should mail their completed application and supporting documents to the following address;

The Christian Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
c/o Dr. Gregory E. Sterling
Yale Divinity School
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

All inquiries should be directed  to:

The Christian Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
c/o Dr. Gregory E. Sterling
[email protected]

Download the Application Form here

Print the application form from the PDF linked below or request a form to be mailed to you.
Download the Application Form (PDF)

Recommendation Form

Print four (4) recommendation forms from the PDF linked below or request the forms to be mailed to you.
Download the Recommendation Form (PDF)

Application Deadline

The application form and supporting documents must be received by The Christian Scholarship Foundation Inc. by January 15 of the award year(the following year).

All applicants will be notified of their status by April 1. Recipients are not permitted to defer the Fellowship. The award payment will be made in September of the same year.

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